Course Aims

The aim of this course is to fit test delegates on the specific respirator they are using within their job role.

Face Fit Course

Who Attends

All UK employees who wear respiratory protective equipment (RPE) must have a certificate to prove that the protective equipment they wear during work fits them and is effective protection for the job they are carrying out.

Course Content

The course will give a brief overview on the importance of face fit testing and why employees must be tested when using respirators.

Candidates will then be tested individually using their own face mask. 

Course Duration

This is a 1 day course.

Maximum Candidates

Maximum attendees: 12 candidates

Qualifications Obtained

Certificates are issued by Sibbald, valid for 3 years.

Please note the certificate will specify the make and model of mask tested on and won't be applicable if the candidate wears any other type of mask that they have not been fit tested on.

Entry Requirements

Candidates MUST be clean shaven, the face fit test cannot be completed if the candidate does not have a clean shaven face. This includes stubble, beard or a moustache.

Candidates must not eat, smoke or drink anything for at least 30 minutes prior to testing to ensure an accurate result.

Additional Information

Sibbald use the qualitative method to test candidates. Quantitative testing is also available, please contact us directly to find out more.

Arrange your course with Sibbald

If pre-scheduled dates are not listed on this page, or if the dates published do not fit your requirement, please contact us as arrangements can be made to suit your needs. 

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