Course Aims
This course will start by introducing the role of the lockdown officer then discuss some of the likely reasons for a lockdown, go over some of the steps you can take to prepare your school for lockdown as well as what to do in the event of a lockdown taking place.
Who Attends
The course is aimed at teachers, school administrators and support staff. It gives them an overview of what to expect and how to act in a lockdown situation and is intended to inform and prepare staff rather than alarm them.
Course Content
- Introduction and the Lockdown Officer
- Reasons for Lockdowns
- The Lockdown Signal and the all Clear Signal
- Suitable Rooms for Lockdown
- Communication Arrangements
- Possible Terminology
- Violent Intruder Lockdown
- Possible Threat or Danger
- Staff Lockdown Responsibilities
- Home Office Police Requirements
- Simple Measures and Where to Seek Help
Course Duration
60 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.
It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions)
Additional Information
Recommended System Requirements
• Browser: Up to date web browser
• Video: Up to date video drivers
• Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
• Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)
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