Course Aims

• Understand what is Modern Slavery and the most common forms
• Develop an understanding on who is most vulnerable to Modern Slavery
• Have an understanding on the importance of reporting Modern slavery and how to do this.

e-Learning Modern Slavery

Who Attends

This course is aimed at all employees as it is relevant to most businesses across all industries.

Course Content

Modern slavery is the recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of adults and children.

In the UK, it’s estimated there are more than 130,000 modern slavery victims, and throughout this course, we’ll be presenting example case studies.

Modern slavery is wide ranging and includes forced labour, debt bondage and sexual exploitation, along with forced marriage and criminal exploitation.

You’ll discover who’s vulnerable to human trafficking and how they are trafficked, recruited and controlled.

We’ll discuss the victim’s perspective and show the hidden personal signs of modern slavery and how to identify locations that could act as a base.

You’ll also learn how to report modern slavery, and the role of the National Referral Mechanism.

We’ll suggest ways the government could stop modern slavery and examine the workings of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We’ll look at the role of small businesses in combatting modern slavery and provide practical tips, including how to make an anti-slavery pledge.

Finally, we offer useful contact details – including the authorities and charities that provide specialist support for victims of modern slavery.

Course Duration

This course should take estimated 40 minutes to complete. (This is based off the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Entry Requirements

Recommended System Requirements
• Browser: Up to date web browser
• Video: Up to date video drivers
• Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
• Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)

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