Course Aims

The Confederation of British Industry estimates that the cost of workplace conflict is around £33
Billion each year. It also estimates that up to 20% of leaders time is spent dealing with conflict and
then there are the intangible costs such as reduction in loyalty, commitment, motivation, teamwork
and morale.

This course starts by explaining what constitutes conflict in the workplace before moving on to look
at some of the most common causes and the effects this can have on the workforce.

It covers the stages and build up to a workplace conflict and contains several extensive modules that
outline conflict resolution techniques that can be applied at any stage of this build up.

As well as the negative impacts of conflict the course also explores how effective management of
conflict can result in positive outcomes in the workplace. These can be the development of shared
ideas, the ability to reach compromises through increased trust and creating an environment where
differences of opinion are celebrated and considered rather than shut down.

e-Learning Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Who Attends

This course is aimed at supervisors and managers that want to develop effective conflict resolution
methods. The course can be a great starting point for people new to their leadership role as well as
more established managers that want to enhance their skills. This acts as a great introduction to the
subject and covers the key concepts and theories relating to conflict management.

Course Content

The Causes and Symptoms of Conflict at Work
Resolving Conflict 
The Five Conflict Modes 
Using the Modes 
Making Positive Outcomes

Additional Information

Beyond this topic we offer a range of other business skills courses that could all be useful in
developing and improving as a manager. The ones that directly compliment this course include
Developing Teamwork and Introduction to Emotional Intelligence.

Arrange your course with Sibbald

If pre-scheduled dates are not listed on this page, or if the dates published do not fit your requirement, please contact us as arrangements can be made to suit your needs. 

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