Course Aims

To enable participants to acquire the skills, knowledge and understanding to safely operate a 360 excavator below 10 tonnes.


EUSR (Plus) MINIEX - 360 Excavator Below 10 Tonnes Refresher

Who Attends

This course is aimed at candidates who are refreshing a current EUSR 360 excavator card.

Course Content

  • Identify main components of the machine and explain their purpose
  • Use all controls and explain the meanings of dials and gauges
  • Reference information and follow instructions detailed in operator's handbook
  • Carry out static and running checks in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and best practice
  • Power up machine and prepare for travel
  • Travel the machine over rough ground, inclines and step curbs
  • Manoeuvre the excavator into and around restricted areas
  • Prepare machine for excavation work
  • Carry out various excavation activities below ground level
  • Backfill excavations and grade/ level terrain
  • Park, shut down and secure machine
  • Change bucket attachments
  • Load and unload machine from transportation trailer

Course Duration

This is a 2 day course.

Maximum Candidates

Maximum attendees: 4 candidates

Qualifications Obtained

Upon successful registration individuals are issued with a EUSR registration card, with the details of the PLUS training completed on the bac

Arrange your course with Sibbald

If pre-scheduled dates are not listed on this page, or if the dates published do not fit your requirement, please contact us as arrangements can be made to suit your needs. 

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