Course Aims

The Health and Safety Executive states that ‘work related stress develops because a person is unable
to cope with the demands being placed on them’. This can come from any aspect of their life but it
often comes from demands placed on them at work.

So why is stress a problem in the workplace?

Well the latest estimates show the total number of cases of work related stress depression or
anxiety account for 39% of all work related illness.

Some occupations may be more susceptible to stress but it can affect anyone and can impact on
health, ability to function effectively at work and at home and in relationships.

This course will cover an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress
and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.

e-Learning Stress Management Training

Course Content

What is Stress and Why is it a Problem
The Causes and Symptoms of Stress
The Law on Stress and its Contravention
Minimising the Risk of Stress

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