Course Aims

This course will provide candidates with a greater awareness of the dangers that poor food safety standards pose, as well as covering how food safety risks actually arise and how to control and prevent them.

e-Learning Level 1 Food Safety - Retail

Who Attends

  • New employees with minimal or no prior food safety knowledge;Employees handling low-risk or wrapped foods (category A);
  • Front of house employees, such as waiting or check out staff;
  • Back of house employees, such as kitchen porters or warehouse staff.

Course Content

  • Food Safety Legislation 
  • Hazards from Delivery to Service 
  • Risk Control (Prevention of Contamination) 
  • Pests, Premises and People

Course Duration

50 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.
It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions)

Additional Information

Recommended System Requirements
• Browser: Up to date web browser
• Video: Up to date video drivers
• Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
• Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)

Arrange your course with Sibbald

If pre-scheduled dates are not listed on this page, or if the dates published do not fit your requirement, please contact us as arrangements can be made to suit your needs. 

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