Course Aims
Temporary Works is a particular source of risk on site, both from a safety and commercial point of view. Following a series of collapses in the 1970’s, the Bragg report and subsequently BS 5975 were produced, to assist designers and users of temporary works.
The industry still recognises today, along with the HSE, the risks associated with temporary works with the competency of the designer being a key point of concern.
Correct design, co-ordination and execution of temporary works is essential to the overall requirement of any project to be completed in accordance with safety, time and budget, health and environmental constraints.
Who Attends
- Design engineers wishing to specialise in temporary works as a general introduction to the basics of the subject
- Temporary Works Co-ordinators, managers, site engineers, estimators and planners with a general knowledge of engineering design wanting an understanding of design of basic temporary works for which they may be responsible
Course Content
- Ability to design / check minor temporary works schemes
- Knowledge of how site conditions affect the design of temporary works
- Knowledge of the processes involved in temporary works design
- Knowledge of procedures in temporary works design, including temporary works coordination, in accordance with BS5975
Introduction and course expectations
• BS5975
• The roles in temporary works assurance
• Other current guidance
Legal Aspects
• Designers duties under CDM regulations
Wall & column formwork
- Types of formwork in common use
- Calculation of lateral pressures
- Ties
- One-sided formwork
- Team Exercise
- Types of formwork in common use
- Calculation and identification of loads
- Team exercise
Scaffold design
- Basic scaffolds, and their limitations
- Introduction to TG20
- Calculations for scaffolds
- Tying and Bracing
- Working Platforms
- Introduction to Special Scaffolds
- Forming openings in masonry walls
- Types of wall
- Needling
- Pynford stools
Course Duration
This is a 1 day course.
Maximum Candidates
Maximum attendees: 12 candidates
Qualifications Obtained
Certification for these courses are valid for 5 years. To remain certified in this area, you will need to retake the course before the expiry date.
Entry Requirements
The minimum entry requirement is a good understanding of spoken and written English
Additional Information
*PLEASE NOTE* all online bookings are provisional until confirmed with you by our training team.
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