Course Aims

During this course, you will further your auditing technique by learning how to effectively lead audit teams and conduct 2nd party audits, using in-depth audit techniques and enhancing your knowledge of the international standards for Quality (ISO 9001:2015), Occupational Health & Safety (ISO 45001:2018) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2015).

Our integrated course follows the key principles set out in ISO 19011:2018 “Guidelines for auditing management systems” and trainees will embed learning by conducting audits in our virtual workplace, Perfect Paints.

Integrated Advanced Auditor

Who Attends

This course is designed for those with prior auditing experience or training, or those in management positions looking to carry out external and internal audits in their organisation.

Course Content

Course Objectives

  • Practice advanced audits against ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001, by:
    • Practice 2nd party audits;​
    • Demonstrate leading an audit team;​
    • Correctly identify clauses relevant to nonconformances or issues.​
  • Apply advanced auditor skills, including:
    • Demonstrate following an audit trail;
    • Perform root causes analysis against a non-conformance;​
    • Detail when to escalate a non-conformance;​
    • Explain the link between non-conformances and incidents.

Maximum Candidates

Practical assessments on conducting audits and leading an audit team, feedback on participation during the course and written assessments in both exam format and scenario format.

This course requires 100% attendance for successful completion.

Arrange your course with Sibbald

If pre-scheduled dates are not listed on this page, or if the dates published do not fit your requirement, please contact us as arrangements can be made to suit your needs. 

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